Quads with Karen

Shortly after my installation as Pastor of my church, I had an idea to start something called “Quads with Karen.” I’ve noticed over the years that pastors tend to only meet with people in two specific ways which I’ll summarize as “crises” and “coffees.” Being there for people during a crisis is very important! But with one-on-ones (like meeting for coffee), it only connects that one person with the pastor. I really want to nurture interconnection in community. (Also, I think Jesus hung around in groups almost all the time!)

Where did this name come from? I love mathematics, I love exercise, I love alliteration, I love relationships … 🙂 Quads with Karen is simply a gathering of four (myself and three others) in order to cultivate community among those in our church family. Even though we’re a fairly small church, there just isn’t enough time to get to know everyone else super well only on Sundays or during outreaches, etc.

So I made a spreadsheet and came up with quads comprised of people who don’t usually hang out together. I create a personal and unique fractal for the invitation and thank you, using a numerical representation of the names in that quad. We eat a meal together on a day and time that works for everyone in a given month and at a location that is more or less central to where everyone is traveling from. I invite those present to share a couple of things and we pray briefly for one another (all optional, of course). These have been such awesome times as deeper relationships are forged, hearts are opened, stories are shared, meals are enjoyed, life is enriched … love abounds! I’m so very grateful for our church family and the many ways in which God pours love in, among, and through us … I’m looking forward to more of these gatherings – each person is a beautiful and priceless treasure!

<- This fractal was created by using the numerical representation of my name 🙂

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