‘Cause the Universe Is Fine Tuned (thank you, Panic! At The Disco!)

We’re all thinkers – asking the big questions of life is good! How did life begin? Is the universe here by necessity, chance, or design? I invite you to examine the evidence and consider what makes the most sense because it makes all the difference in the world. Thank you, William Lane Craig, for this excellent animation on the fine-tuning of the universe. Thank you, Panic! At the Disco, for your great music! May God bless you, protect you, and give you peace!

Music: “Nine in the Afternoon” (Panic! At the Disco)

The Fine-Tuning of the Universe (drcraigvideos) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE76nwimuT0

Impossible Universe: The Reality of Cosmic Fine Tuning (drcraigvideos) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk1pEHXnPsE

Words by me: Answer this – where did we begin? Questions are good – we’re thinkers, yes, you know, wondering is so good. So many things that we can read – good to look back at history long ago, back to the start of the world. Answer this – how did life begin? Questions are good – ponder, reflect – you can get to a place where thoughts can bloom. That’s when we see that the universe is fine-tuned. And we know there are constants that are finely adjusted. If they weren’t then life could not be ’cause the universe is fine-tuned. The present is so opportune. You think ‘cause you can so you do. Contemplation is good, being wowed by our world ’cause the universe is fine-tuned. The present is so opportune. You think ’cause you can, so you do. Contemplation is good. Think about this – what do you seek? Why do you think we’re all so unique? Do you know what I mean? Is this a place that happened by chance? Did someone craft this whole expanse and the forces unseen? Was it necessity, chance, or design? The forces in nature are not blind. The heavens declare the glory of God. Yes, the universe is fine-tuned. The present is so opportune. You think ‘cause you can so you do. Contemplation is good, being wowed by our world ‘cause the universe is fine-tuned.

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