I’m doing pretty good

Nice! Here are some ideas for you:

  • Choose one person you know and send them each an encouraging note (either electronically or using snail mail).
  • Do one thing for your mind (e.g. read a book, do a jigsaw or crossword puzzle, practice a foreign language, practice a musical instrument)
  • Do one thing for your body (e.g. go for a walk, do an online workout, get a good night’s sleep, evaluate your eating and cooking habits and make one adjustment)
  • Do one thing for your soul (e.g. engage with nature in some way, listen to some beautiful music, get creative with whatever art supplies you can find, try a new recipe)
  • Do one thing for your home (e.g. declutter a problem area, pray for peace in your relationships, give a surprise gift of something you already have on hand to someone who lives with you, clean something you don’t usually enjoy cleaning)