join the cheer squad

Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today.” (Hebrews 3:13)

One of the simplest things we can do that fills one of the greatest needs in people’s lives is encouragement. It would surely be a rare occasion for someone to feel they’d received too much encouragement on any particular day. Encouragements can fade after a while, especially because there are ample discouragements coming at us that can counterbalance them. We need a fresh supply of encouragement every day.

Webster’s dictionary defines “encourage” as “to give courage to; to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope; to raise, or to increase, the confidence of; to animate; enhearten; to incite; to help forward.

The Bible describes three main sources of encouragement – God Himself (Acts 9:31), Scripture (Romans 15:4), and fellow believers. We need all three to run well. We understand that in God we live and move and have our being, and that He has given us His Word to give us life. But there’s more – God has given us the responsibility and privilege of building one another up. Effective encouragement is basically one person calling another person’s attention to God and His Word. Other believers need your encouragement, and you need theirs. Marathons are hard! Some marathoners wear their names on their shirts, so other runners and onlookers can call out personalized encouragements. Encouragement can range from “God loves you!” to “well done!” to a well-placed prod (“you’re going the wrong way!”). Paul noted that we “can be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith” (Romans 1:12). The Amplified version says that “we are mutually dependent on one another” (Romans 12:5).

Encouragement is a key component that will enable us to finish our races well. Make it a habit to encourage someone each day – by cheering them on, you’ll be giving them courage and helping them forward. And thankfully receive the encouragements God sends your way!

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