
We believe that keyboarding, or typing on a computer, is the way most writing will be done in the future (actually, it’s the way most of my writing is done even now!). For this reason, we’d like each of our children to learn to touch type, as we did.

We use a very simple computer program, Typing Instructor. I like simple programs, because the glitzy fancy ones get on your nerves after a couple of days. Typing Instructor allows you to choose from a variety of background music, and has drills, games, and tests all designed to help the typing process.

Typing milestones at the Sculley Academy:

1997 – 98: P actually spent a year learning to type so became quite a good typist at a young age.

2003 – 04: He did keyboarding in lieu of daily handwriting practice. (It took him only 5 weeks to achieve the minimum of 30 wpm with 100% accuracy that I required of him, so he’s now officially done with typing instruction! He uses a computer keyboard daily, so continues to get practice through usage.)

2005: J is learning to type

2006: J achieved 30 wpm with 100% accuracy.

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