Raising the bar

Esther and I just returned from our special mother-daughter trip as part of her rite of passage for 13th birthdays . . . I am so blessed to have had three such trips, one with each of my precious daughters. On each trip we had so much fun together and a totally unique experience!

This time as I reflected on our time together, I came away with a heightened awareness of the need to “raise the bar” in my own life. There’s a human tendency to coast at times, sometimes because we need rest or refueling, sometimes because we lose sight of the goal, sometimes because something more interesting catches our eye, sometimes because we lose heart. If you know me at all, you know how much I treasure words and don’t fling them about casually. The word “B – A – R” was something that emerged from pondering these four special days with Esther at Lake Tahoe. Our time together was characterized by B, beauty . . . A, adventure . . . R, relationships. Thus, I started thinking about where in my life do I need to raise the bar, to rejuvenate, recalculate (as my GPS often does), refocus, or rekindle God-given expectancy?

As I was sitting outside enjoying some quiet reflection about this, a neighbor’s conversation drifted to my ears, and I heard, “Succulents sense when there’s moisture and soft soil, and they put out roots.” A succulent is defined as something that is rich in desirable qualities, so full of juice that it has plenty to share with others. This word picture fits very well what I’ve been pondering in recent years in terms of fulfilling Jesus’ mandate to “go and make disciples of all nations.” The word “disciple” carries with it lots of connotations, some of them far from complimentary. What would a succulent disciple look like? Someone who is rich in desirable qualities, you know, like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Basically, someone who strongly resembles Jesus. I’ve known many wonderful succulent disciples in my life and want to do all I can to help others grow rich in these desirable qualities so that they will not only look like Jesus themselves, but also have plenty of sustenance to share with others.

Back to the “B – A – R” concept . . . What would it look like to raise the bar of making disciples? Surely it’s far more than “clinching the deal,” convincing someone to pray the “sinner’s prayer.” I want to consider where in my life I could provide an environment that is life-giving and inviting so that others will be able to receive sustenance, kindness, and welcome, and want to stay long enough to thrive. Here are some musings on what I noticed this week . . .

People are drawn to beauty (not just function). There’s something irresistible about shimmering sunsets, luscious lakes, majestic mountains, contrasting chromatics, scrumptious sustenance, colorful creations, moving music . . . God has created us to appreciate and create beauty wherever we go!

People are drawn to adventure (not just existence). There’s something in us that craves doing hard things like hiking trails at high altitude, kayaking in ice cold water, riding horses through the woods, driving along twisting mountain roads with no guardrails, just exploring to see what adventure turns up next . . . God has created us for adventure and faith (which is often spelled R-I-S-K)!

People are drawn to relationships (not just religion). Of course the whole point of our trip was to grow our relationship with one another and with the Lord. There were several other relationships begun along the way, all opportunities for love and blessing and prayer . . . the 3-year-old boy in the airport, who was smitten with Esther and her smiles . . . Anya from the Ukraine, who hugged us when we engaged her in a little Russian conversation . . . Brian, our young restaurant server, who opened up to us following our customary, “Is there anything we can pray for you about?” which lead to the sharing of many life stories, where we’ve been and where we’re going. What a privilege for us to meet precious ones such as these who hopefully saw glimpses of God’s great love for them. I pray that each one with whom we connect along the way will connect with Jesus, the only One who can fill the longing in our souls. God has created us for relationship – with Him and with one another!

Here are some raising-the-bar questions I’m pondering – maybe these will be helpful to you, too . . .

How can I better appreciate the beauty in the people and places around me? In what ways can I mark the world with beauty?

Into which adventures is God inviting me? Where do I tend to resist or ignore adventure, and settle for routine or apathy?

How can I invest in the relationships with which I’ve been entrusted? How open is my heart to pursue relationships with others, especially those I might consider the last, the lost, or the least?

John 6:35 (The Message) – “Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever.

My youngest beauty scampering around beside the beautiful lake!

One of our many adventures together

Relationships are priceless!

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