Rose from Brier (Amy Carmichael) audiobook

Amy was inspired to write this book by reflecting that most books of comfort for sick people are written by the well and so they miss the mark. Thus, from her own personal experiences she has gathered a priceless treasury of helpful thoughts for those who are ill.

Amy Carmichael, born in 1867 in Northern Ireland, was the first missionary sent out by the Keswick Convention. After a few years in Japan she served in Southern India for 56 years without furlough and wrote 35 books. Her most notable work was with girls and young women, some of whom were saved from customs that amounted to forced prostitution. She founded the Dohnavur Fellowship in Tamil Nadu, providing a sanctuary for over one thousand children who would otherwise have faced a bleak future. Amy, known as Amma (Tamil for “mother”) was loving and loved by all. The story of her life, and the legacy of her own writings, still inspire people throughout the world today.

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