Seasons of life (a simple soul inventory)

I discovered this simple exercise in a small group I facilitated … I think this would be so useful in doing a little soul inventory from time to time. This is something we could sit with and invite the Lord’s presence and peace where we realize our ragged souls are still in need of healing. As we receive more light into those darker places in our hearts and minds, more redemptive language will undoubtedly emerge in our self-descriptions.

Choose one descriptive word for each season of life (don’t overthink this):

5-10 years old

11-14 years old

15-18 years old

19-25 years old

26-30 years old

31-40 years old

41-50 years old

51-60 years old

61-70+ years old

I plan to repeat this exercise periodically … here are my answers as a 60-year-old:

5-10 years old: transplanted

11-14 years old: awakening

15-18 years old: exploration

19-25 years old: foundations

26-30 years old: babies

31-40 years old: children

41-50 years old: teens

51-60 years old: transformation

61-70+ years old: future

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