The dream . . .

This is the view I saw in my dream back in March . . .

God gave me a very vivid dream in March 2007 of a scene in Russia. I didn’t know where it was – I thought I was looking at a lake. There were many details in the dream. When I was in Nizhny Novgorod for the first time in September 2007 and walked through this gate at the Kremlin, I realized this was the scene I had seen in my dream. (Immediately after seeing it for the first time, a friend captured this video.) As a result of this confirmation and MANY other words / impressions / confirmations over a period of many years (from the late 70s until 2007), God gave us the assurance that He was leading us to serve in Russia for a season, and our family moved to Nizhny Novgorod in January 2008.

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