
Pray the News – July 24th, 2022

Today we are going to pray for the people of Afghanistan, which sadly tops the International Rescue Committee’s annual watchlist of countries where things are going very wrong in terms of humanitarian needs. 23 million out of Afghanistan’s 41 million people are experiencing crisis levels of food insecurity currently. 2.6 million Afghans are displaced across borders. Afghanistan ranks last in the world for women’s equality. These dismal facts could cause us to despair if we didn’t know that God is far bigger and more powerful than all of these problems. Let us weep with those who weep and lift our prayers offered in faith to God, who is near to the broken-hearted and cares about the poor.

I’ve crafted 5 brief prayer points from IRC’s list of the most pressing needs.

  1. Lord, we pray that you would intervene in the financial crisis and cash shortage in Afghanistan, which is causing people to run out of money while prices of food and medicine skyrocket. Send help, Lord!
  2. Lord, we pray that you would restore health services to Afghanistan and send doctors, nurses, and other health care workers. We pray for the restoration of preventive health measures. Send help, Lord!
  3. Lord, we pray that you would make a way for food to reach the hungry in Afghanistan. We pray for the immediate crisis, that you would move on the hearts of individuals, organizations, and nations to send food. We also pray for your blessing upon the land, for an end to drought, and for workers to be able to grow what is needed. Send help, Lord!
  4. Lord, we pray for women and girls in Afghanistan, who face violence, child marriage, exploitation, and abuse. We pray that you would break down restrictions that keep females from being able to receive an education or become self-sufficient through work. We pray for unjust laws to be abolished and for basic human rights for each person, regardless of gender. Send help, Lord!
  5. Lord, we pray for an end to violence and civilian harm in Afghanistan as a result of the Islamic State taking control. We pray for the authorities in Afghanistan, that their hearts would be softened to you, God, and that they would choose to follow you and your ways. We pray for unjust structures to collapse and that the authorities would do what is right, just, and fair, so that the people would be able to live peaceful and quiet lives. Send help, Lord!

Send help, Lord, we pray, and show us what you would have us do to help the precious people of Afghanistan, some of whom have been displaced to right here in Atlanta. We pray all of these things in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

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