
One of the trademarks of our family is the week-long birthday celebrations we do for each person in our family (and anyone else living with us at the time). So for at least 8 weeks of the year, we are partying big-time! Each birthday celebrant is honored with 7 presents, one for each day of their birthday week.

When the children were young, they loved this so much that they usually contribute more presents, so often there are more than 1 present a day to open. It’s a fabulous way to honor each person without placing all expectations on a single day. (We’ve all had hopes dashed due to rain or other unexpected surprises!) The culmination is of course a birthday party, which ranges from a small (!) family dinner to a bash at a restaurant or a special activity. J was our birthday guru, and could usually tell you exactly how many days to each person’s birthday at any given time!

Now that our kids and bonus kids are all adults, I’ve started to develop gift springboard ideas . . .

2020 –

  • something you want
  • something you need
  • something to wear
  • something to read
  • something beautiful
  • something tasty
  • something fun

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