Blessing Bags for the Homeless

Here are the instructions for putting together “blessing bags for the homeless – in our little church, we have prepared 24 bags at a time (which is especially convenient for items that come in packages of 24. 12, 8, 6, 4, 3, or 2):

Most of these supplies can be purchased at Walmart, except the Bibles which are available at Dollar Tree stores.

2-1/2 gallon plastic bags – nice and roomy – they have a zipper closure (alternatively, we have given reusable shopping bags – I really like the ones that fold into a pocket in themselves)
socks – 24 pack of men’s black crew socks (warm and good for job interviews)
Bible or New Testament
water bottle
meat & crackers or Vienna sausage or other canned protein
nut bar
cereal bar
bar of soap
plastic spoon & applesauce
hard candy
chewing gum
chocolate bar
hotel shampoos / conditioners / hand creams
toothbrush & toothpaste

I keep a couple of these on hand in my car where I can just reach back and retrieve as soon as I see someone in need.

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