Cascade’s Ordination

Cascade’s been ordained! As one of the many who spoke in her ordination service beautifully said, “Tonight we get remember our own baptismal promise to show up and live out the light of God’s love in the world. And we also get to point out a definite ray of God’s light in our own community, blessing one believer, setting her apart for a particular life of service and ministry in God’s church.” It was such a beautiful and deeply moving service at her wonderful church in Johnson City among whom she has lived and served all through her seminary years. (This place has become a home away from home to me, too, whenever I’m up there to visit Cascade or our seminary.) We are so proud of her!

Here’s what I sent to be used in the service:

“Even before Cascade was born, God’s hand of blessing was on her, giving us her name on the day of a miraculous healing in our family even before she was conceived: Cascade Grace – “God’s grace is rushing forth in abundance.” We are forever grateful that God gave us the privilege of loving and being loved by Cascade as her Mummy and Daddy. Since her very earliest years, she has grown into being a lavishly generous friend, a daring adventurer, an expressive communicator, an enthusiastic learner in every imaginable academic or practical pursuit, a cultivator of community, a creative and free spirit, and a passionate follower of Jesus.
Given that Cascade can do so many things well, it was no surprise to us that she has pursued many worthy studies. Given that she wrote devotionals when she was five, was my constant companion in all kinds of ministry situations, created a kids club when she was twelve, and mentored countless younger people throughout her life, it was no surprise to us that God’s hand of blessing on her has been recognized by many others, in the numerous ways in which she serves, shows up, leads, and loves.
We thank God for you and bless you, Cascade, as you are ordained today. May the grace of our triune God continue to rush forth in abundance in and through you, wherever the Lord leads you, all the days of your life! Mummy and Daddy love you with all our hearts!”

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