Color! (thank you, Blondie!)

I honestly think we are more fulfilled when we engage in creative pursuits, because we were created by and in the image of the most creative One there is! Being creative is part of who we are. So be true to yourself and go for it! Thank you, Blondie, for your great music! May God bless you, protect you, and give you peace!

Music: “Call Me” (Blondie)

Words by me: Design this with color, baby, shade it in with more. Select other colors, darling – plenty in the drawer. Use all of the color chart. Color this with all your heart. Color in the lines, color here or there or anywhere. Color! Go to town – yellow, orange, red, blue, purple, brown. Color! Color this with crayons, baby. Color this with paints. Look, here are some colored pencils. Throw off those restraints. Emotions come, I don’t know why. Colors are a pure delight! Color in the lines, color here or there or anywhere. Color! Go to town – yellow, orange, red, blue, purple, brown. Color! Ooh! Ooh! In the lines, over here, over there, anywhere! In the lines, over here, over there, anywhere! Color in the lines, color here or there or anywhere. Color! Go to town – yellow, orange, red, blue, purple, brown. Color!

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