
Pray the News – August 15th, 2021

We’ve all heard about the Delta variant of Covid which is spreading like wildfire around our country and around the world. As I pondered which news to pray this week, I felt drawn to again rally us to cry out to God for an end to this pandemic and all the confusion and suffering that has ensued.

Whenever I hear the word Delta, my mind quickly flashes from Ham Radio to mathematics to the Nile in Egypt to our local airline as I try to determine what the author or speaker is talking about. In mathematics, the uppercase Greek letter “Delta”, which is a lovely little equilateral triangle, is used for many things, but primarily to signify the change of any changeable quantity. So, Delta x, means the change in x. Delta is the first letter in the Greek word “diaphora” which means “difference.” Next time you hear about the Delta variant, remember that we can make a difference in this change that is sweeping the world because God is with us, He told us to ask Him for help with anything, and nothing is too hard for Him! Will you join me by praying big to our big, big God?

Lord Jesus, we ask you to intervene with Your loving care to stop the spread of COVID-19 and particularly the Delta variant.

We pray for those who are sick, that You would heal them and that they will have access to needed care and treatment, peace and perseverance amidst suffering.

We pray for health care workers, for their protection, for stamina during long and intense work hours, and for safe protocols to be observed in health care institutions.

We pray for the many grieving families who have lost loved ones to the virus, that they would know the nearness and comfort of the Holy Spirit. Please keep despair far from them. May they know Your new mercies every morning.

We pray for pastoral leaders serving churches and communities, that You would give each one Your heart, words, and deeds for each situation.

We pray for the body of Christ worldwide, that the church would rise up to pray and to support the sick and their caregivers in practical and sacrificial ways. We pray for an outpouring of love, compassion, and service, in Jesus’ name.

We pray for government officials and decision-makers who are leading countries and organizations through this global crisis. We acknowledge that You, Lord, have allowed each one to be in a place of influence during this time. Would you help them to be good and effective leaders so that many can receive the help they need.

We pray for all who are serving Christ Jesus as missionaries around the globe, that You would give them the wisdom and resources that they need. We pray that ministries would not have to shut down, but that You would carry them through this difficult time.

We pray for many to earnestly seek the Lord. Would you draw people to Yourself, Jesus, and send revival to every nation on earth, for Your glory.

In the powerful and precious name of Jesus, Amen!

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