Mother’s Day 2013

My beautiful children have blessed me and brought me joy every single day they’ve been alive . . . but I had the presence of mind to actually take photos of their beautiful cards this year. I love them so much – they’re the best kids ever! I treasure every card, poem, encouragement, gift in my heart – being their Mum / Mummy is the best gift and highest honor I’ve ever received! Thank you, God, for this privilege!

Cascade’s poem (age 15)

Once upon a time there was a woman named Mummy,

She was fun and cheerful and helped people who felt crummy.

Everyone loved her so very much,

For she had a magical touch,

She loved to laugh and always filled every boy’s tummy.

She was always full of joy and had a kind word for all.

When the friends would come over and on the bike take a fall.

She would clean it up with a smile,

And never thought of it as a trial.

She loved to make people feel comfortable and wrap them in a shawl.

Celebrations were her favorite thing.

She loved to see what each new day would bring.

Always full of surprises,

With an idea for the prizes

She could always make Cascade start to sing.

Maybe she didn’t always understand her teens.

And wondered why boys spent so much time gazing at screens.

But she loved them all so,

And enjoyed watching them grow,

Knowing soon they’d have their own kids to force to eat their greens.

She tried her best and it surely showed,

Taught her kids how to knit and read Morse code.

What a beautiful life she made.

Even though sometimes it felt like an arcade,

When music, strange smells, and laptops filled her abode.

Like with anyone, things got hard sometimes.

And she couldn’t clear her head to think of any rhymes.

But someone always came around,

And helped to pull her off of the ground.

Then together they would listen to the sound of the chimes.

Her home was beautiful and her life was free.

She knew they had the Lord’s loving guarantee

That no matter what they did or where they went,

His love would be there when they were spent.

They celebrated his love with hearts full of jubilee.

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