moves of God – key to revival #1 – repentance

We’ve looked at some warning signs. Although obviously God cannot be put in a box, there are certain characteristics that seem to accompany genuine “moves of God”, as recorded in the Bible and in church history. I am grateful that the people of God took the time to record the moves of God throughout the history of the Body of Christ. It’s fascinating reading, and I encourage you to research it for yourself. We spend time every Friday morning as part of our school curriculum reading stories of how God has moved at various times and places in church history. It is very inspiring reading! I believe it is important to consider some keys to revival when wondering if something is a move of God or not.

Every movement of God is characterized by a profound awareness of sin. Repentance of sin and revival are inseparable. When God comes down, when He reveals His presence in a greater way, there is a heightened awareness of His holiness. This is a hallmark of revival. The fear of God comes upon people, leading to repentance. Every revival in church history has involved large numbers of people repenting of their sins, not only giving their lives to Christ, but also being added to the churches. During true revival, many lost people are suddenly swept into the Kingdom of God. The first such case is recorded on the day that the Holy Spirit was poured out on the early church –

When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.” (Acts 2:37 – 38)

On that single day, 3000 people were added to the group of Christ-followers.

Repentance also occurs among believers. There is an increased delight in God’s excellence, holiness, and truth. Christians have a greater sense of their own utter insufficiency and the hateful nature of their own sin.

Genuine repentance is always followed by changed lives, a turning away from sin. In some communities, there is destruction of illicit materials. Acts 19:19 lists an example of this – “A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas” [which was equivalent to approximately 140 years’ wages!]

During the well-known Welsh revival, there were reports of entire towns having empty prisons and a zero crime rate. The local police force, having nothing to do, formed musical groups to pass the time. True revivals always have a powerful effect on society as a whole in turning back the tide of immorality and vice. True revivals are bad news for alcohol, drug and gambling industries. True revivals will bring down the divorce rate and heighten society’s view of the value of life. We can be greatly encouraged that in our day, in the last ten years, God has completely transformed the nation of Uganda – over 75% profess Christ, the percentage of Muslims has dropped from 35% to less than 5%, the AIDS rate has dramatically dropped, and the president rewrote the constitution and dedicated the country to God in the name of Jesus Christ! If God can transform that nation, He can transform our city and nation!

Father God, would You give us a profound awareness of sin – our own and that of our city and nation. Make us holy as You are holy. We humbly repent for – confess and turn away from – of everything that is displeasing to You. Help us to live pure and holy lives before You. Take away our lukewarm attitudes and make us passionate for You. We invite Your Kingdom to come, Lord, in our lives, our cities, and our nations. May the name of Jesus Christ be glorified!

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