
Even before I remembered that today was the sad anniversary that it became 7 years ago, the thought struck me this week that life can change so suddenly. When we arrived in Nizhny last week, it was summer. We went out in the gorgeous weather in our light jackets, not because we needed them, but to blend in 😉 The trees all had their leaves, green, and I remember thinking that maybe they don’t have a turning of the leaves here like they do in Atlanta. Well, yesterday, autumn came and went, and today it was winter! At least, that’s what it felt like . . . yesterday, suddenly, the leaves all turned yellow and began falling, and people started bringing out their furs and gloves today.

God did some other “suddenlies” in our lives this week, too. Through friends in another city, the Lord sent us a young English-born Scottish theology student, who stayed with us for a couple of days. We were blown away – Simeon came to Russia mainly to pray (that in itself was a huge encouragement to us!), which he’s been doing for the last few weeks, very much a faith journey. He feels God has called him to this nation, and is seeking God’s specific direction & timing after his studies finish next year. It was such an obvious divine appointment for all of us, and we were all mutually encouraged in the Lord. We traded prayer walking journeys and other life stories. It’s so beautiful how God connected our hearts to pray for this country in such an amazing way that none of us could have orchestrated. Personally my faith has been so stirred and encouraged – I thank God for sending us this precious young warrior and leader.

Many rumors abound concerning Russia’s future . . . of course none of us can know unless the Lord reveals it, but we trust in the One who does. Whatever “suddenlies” may occur, we know we are to “be prepared in season and out of season” for whatever God has for us. Meanwhile, we want to be found faithful in loving and serving Jesus Christ every day, and bring glory to His name.

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