
I can’t think of anything profound to write this week, because my heart is torn. Our short-term visas run out in 3 weeks’ time – we’ve hoped for a way to be able to stay beyond that date until our long-term visas come through without having to exit the country. We and those helping us in this matter have explored almost every conceivable option. As things stand today, it looks like we may have to leave on April 24th for about 3 months – we’ve been told to expect our long-term visas to be issued in July. Physically it would be hard, packing, traveling, uprooting home and school and routines . . . financially it would be around $12k for another set of plane tickets . . . but these difficulties pale in comparison with the emotional challenges. Major transition moving from one culture to another comes with a very high price tag in the heart department – we knew this before we came, and gladly pay whatever price is required to fulfill God’s purposes for our lives. But the reality is that our hearts are torn – I’ve cried buckets of tears already at the possibility of another imminent heart wrenching.

I hope this doesn’t sound like a complaint in any way! We’ve been blessed beyond compare with amazingly wonderful loved ones on every side of all the oceans. Every morning, the names of our numerous loved ones on our kitchen prayer wall greet us – a tangible reminder of how blessed we are. Our family and friends are our most precious treasures! No matter where we are, we’re an ocean away from many loved ones – this has been a reality in my life ever since I was 7, but it sure doesn’t get any easier! I’m so thankful for the love that the Father has poured into us and for the beautiful ones He’s brought into our lives all over the world. God’s love is so amazing – it’s easy to think, “I could never love another group of people as deeply as I love ____ (fill in the blank).” Of course we can’t – our love is insufficient. But then God has a way of bringing people into our lives, often in the most unexpected ways, and suddenly we realize they’ve become very dear to us, beyond anything we could have imagined. Only God’s love is capable of that.

We still hold onto the hope that somehow the door will open for us to remain past April 24th without having to leave and come back. We’ll keep you posted! We want only God’s plans for our lives. He is keeping us in His perfect peace, but we are aware that we’re in the middle of a battle, too. We feel certain that our time here is far from over. As wonderful as it would be to see our loved ones in the U.S. again, none of us is looking forward to the possibility of two more major transitions so closely on the heels of the transition we just made. It feels a bit overwhelming to think about, but THANK GOD that He is bigger than our hearts! We’re good with whatever He wants. We trust Him completely with our lives, and rest in the assurance that His ways and timing are best. Actually, they’re absolutely perfect! God is teaching us to trust Him more – these seasons of stretching bring such wonderful fruit eventually but so magnify our weaknesses when they’re underway . . . Thank you for holding up our sagging arms and hearts – we need your prayers, always, and thank God every day for you.

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