Tribute to our friend and pastor, John Trotter

I met John, 410 days before he passed, when conducting the first interview via Zoom for John’s application to be the senior pastor of Liberty Vineyard Church. We became fast friends who could move easily from deep stuff to corny jokes to crying out to God to silly nicknames to complaining about religy things. In spite of his corny jokes, I knew that John had been sent to us by God. What I didn’t realize at first was that John, although blind, could see people better than anyone I’d ever met. There was no impressing him with outward stuff, no hiding behind fancy fixings, no trying to skip clear communication by settling for just facial or body language. I didn’t realize how much I needed the particular encouragements and affirmations that John brought into my life. I’ve heard over and over from people who got to know John in the last year that they felt very much seen, understood, and loved. John took seriously Jesus’ command to love God and love people.

We were at the tail end of a trip down under when we heard that John had passed. It was such a shock. We had already planned to visit the local Botanical Gardens that day, which turned out to be a healing balm for our ragged souls. I was admiring the beautiful blooms in a quiet corner when a little bird with a bold black and white striped tail came and hovered right next to my grief-stricken face. God brought me so much comfort and peace in those moments, an assurance of his love and care and presence. Though John has gone on before us, the Lord is with us.

In John’s one year among us at our church, Liberty Vineyard (yes, he got the job), he left a huge legacy. Firstly, we have gotten to know Charity and Amos, who are both so very dear to us all. John was authentic and available, interdependent and insightful, humble and humorous, courageous and caring. He somehow made time for frequent phone calls, texts, voice memos, prayer, coffee, adopt-a-road trash pickups, movie nights, meals, helping our kids move, and even meetings. He even offered to lead women’s Bible study for me a couple of times (lol). John has given us lots of phrases that will forever remind us of not just what he said, but who he is as a person: “Hands in the pile” “Everybody gets to play” “With you on the journey” “Care for you guys.” Now that John has joined the great cloud of witnesses, I know he’s cheering all of us on. I thank God for my friend and pastor John and his life well lived for the greater glory of God!

Paul served as a pallbearer and accompanied the family to the cemetery.

Music: I played “Nearer My God to Thee” for the processional and “Spirit of the Living God, Fall Afresh on Me” for the recessional. Beth lead and I accompanied her in playing “Goodness of God” and “How Great Is Our God” during the service.

Scriptures: I read Psalm 23; Nancy read a passage from Revelation.

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