divine orchestration

When I was in 7th grade, my next-door neighbor, a professor of musicology, invited me to look over his numerous musical instruments and choose one to play. I had already played the piano for many years, and jumped at the chance to learn a second instrument. My short list included the oboe, but my number one choice ended up being the ‘cello. How I loved learning that beautiful instrument, receiving weekly lessons, always striving to improve my technique and tone. But the highlight of playing the ‘cello for me was the opportunity to be a part of an orchestra. Words cannot describe the sheer joy and satisfaction that comes when a group of individuals pools their talents and plays beautiful music together. But everything hinges on the orchestration. The conductor sees and implements this master plan, although the players see only their individual parts. You could conceivably gather the most brilliant musicians in the world, yet if they are not playing from the same orchestration, the results will be dismal to say the least. But a brilliant conductor can take a group of ordinary musicians who apply themselves, and draw the best out of each section, each individual, in order to blend and form a whole that far surpasses the sum of its parts. God is the penultimate brilliant conductor, who not only lovingly composes the complex scores of our lives, but also enhances and improves them continually, in order to produce the most amazing, unfolding symphonies that bring joy and glory to Him.

I want to share with you one delightful line of orchestration we discovered last week . . . our closest neighborhood friends have a close friend who will be studying in Nizhny Novgorod this semester, an off-campus program of the Christian college she attends. She will be at the same university as Peter, likely in the same building – quite amazing. I think Rebecca has already been tremendously encouraged, knowing that in a city that most of her friends and family have never even heard of, close friends of her close friends are just down the road.

When we stand before God, we will be more than amazed at His intricate orchestration in every area of our lives. I’m convinced that we see but a small fraction of His master plan for each of us and for the communities in which He has placed us. May He open our eyes to see the music He’s written for us to play, and may we each play our hearts out, for our audience of One, trusting Him to make something truly beautiful with our lives.

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!” (Ephesians 3:20, The Message)

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