Karis’s songs

These are the four songs I sang to Karis every night until she turned 10!

Don’t You Know (from Jeremiah 1:5, Isaiah 49:16, and Jeremiah 29:11): “Don’t you know that He formed you? Before you were born, He knew you! Can’t you see that His plans for you are good? Look and see, He’s engraved you On the palm of His hands. Look and see, He’s engraved you on His hands.”

Jesus Loves Me (slightly modified from the traditional words!): “Jesus loves me, this I know, For the Bible tells me so! Little ones to Him belong – They are weak, but He is strong! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! (boom, boom, boom) Yes, Jesus loves me, The Bible tells me so! (ho, ho ho)”

May the Lord bless you (from Numbers 6:24 – 26): “May the Lord bless you and keep you, The Lord make His face to shine upon you And be gracious unto you, The Lord lift up His countenance upon you And give you peace.”

Karis’s song – Karis: “Karis (click, click), Karis (click, click), You are my daughter of grace and peace. Karis (click, click), Karis (click, click), You are my beautiful girl. And I love you, I love you, You are my daughter of grace and peace. I love you, I love you, You are my beautiful girl (click, click)!”

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