
As I consider how to blog about the journey so far, on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, I realize there are probably a myriad of ways to describe this journey. For me, today, I’m thinking about priorities. It’s made me wonder where in my life my priorities are in need of some tweaking or even some major overhauling …

It started during our preparation and packing phase … it’s amazing how quickly you can realize you didn’t really need something after all when you have to haul it around all day on your back! This got me thinking … where in my life am I cluttered up? Is it too much stuff? Too much on my calendar and to-do lists? Too many thoughts running around in my head? Too many people I’m trying to please? I want my life to be in balance and not let all these things get in the way and weigh me down. God promises us abiding peace and rest and joy. It’s just not worth giving any of thoae up for the sake of cluttered-up lives. Having the chance to step aside from the clutter and live extraordinarily simply has given me a taste of the joy of simplicity

Then there’s the walk itself. After going much farther than what I might ordinarily walk in a day, my priorities come more clearly into focus. It’s so obvious in my thoughts … will I obsess about my feet / knees / aches and pains, or will I enjoy the beauty everywhere I look, and will I be a friend to fellow pilgrims? This pilgrimage is such an obvious metaphor for life … but how easily we often dismiss the obvious metaphors since they’re so basic, so elementary. This got me thinking … How often do I miss the beauty and wonder and joy all around me on “ordinary” days? A sense of wonder can be cultivated by taking the time to notice God’s good gifts and choosing to be thankful. How often am I so wrapped up in my own circumstances that I overlook others, who are just in much in need of a smile or an encouraging word as I am? When the going gets tough, it’s amazing how much encouragement is wrapped up in a simple smile or a “Hola!” or a “Buen Camino!”

Then there’s our downtime. After walking for 6-8 hours, there’s still a lot of day left. There are always chores and errands, just like any place. The culture here has some very appealing aspects, especially life lived in community on the streets and in cafes and the like. This got me thinking … how do I spend my “free” time? I’m pretty sure  Life is at the end of our lives we’re not going to wish we’d done more vegging out in front of a screen or whatever it is we gravitate towards, but we are going to regret not having spent enough time with loved ones. Let’s choose wisely and well. Life is precious!

Random musings from today with some photos so far (tech issues mean only some photos were available) … more later!

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